Critical fibre dimensions for asbestos induced diseases:
“The critical fibre dimensions for #mesothelioma are a diameter <0.1 µm and a length of 5-10 µm. The thinner asbestos fibres can reach deep inside the alveoli due to their aerodynamic characteristics and are transported to the pleural surfaces through penetration of epithelial cell wall.”
Ref.: Lippman, M., 1993. Biophysical Factors Affecting Fiber Toxicity, Fiber Toxicology, ed. D. B. Warheit, Academy Press, New York, pp. 259-303.
Transmission Electron Microscope, with a minimum object size detection of 0.001 µm (0.1 µm for SEM, 0.2 µm for PLM/PCM), Thin Asbestos Fibres such as chrysotile fibrils (up to 0.02 µm) can be seen and counted.